March 2017 – Julie is Certified as a Strengths Strategy Coach

After a year-long program including 30+ weeks of training, mentor and supervised coaching and over 50 hours of practicing with clients, Julie passed her oral exam and coaching session to receive her certification as a Strengths Strategy coach.

By applying the Strengths Strategy methodology, she can help clients not only learn their Top 5 or all 34 of their talents but also take them light years farther in their strengths development. She will work interdependently with clients so they learn HOW to apply their potential to get the results they desire; to make a positive difference in their performance, satisfaction and service to others and their organization.

From the Strengths Strategy website:

Strengths Strategy will take you through a structured, analytical, measurable, and replicable process which:
—- Changes how individuals interact with each other, and build relationships
—- Creates the fastest path to sustainable, high performance
—- Drives bottom-line business results by increasing customer loyalty.
Our methodologies are founded on a philosophy of data science – driven by 25 years of research, and have been proven by over 5,000 individuals in 28 countries – and our approach contributes to success, leading to statistically significant results.


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